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Styrodur® BMB at Sentinel House 

The resource-saving Styrodur® BMB can be found in Europe's largest database for healthier building and living. 
Styrodur® BMB insulation boards in the construction of BASF's Creation Center. 

The Sentinal House Institute has set itself the task of making healthier buildings the standard and for this reason collects information about healthy and sustainable solutions in the building sector. Biomass-balanced (BMB) Styrodur® has passed the testing process at Sentinel - every product is tested for harmful substances by the institute in advance. Styrodur® 3000 BMB CS scores with the same product properties as conventional Styrodur® 3000 CS: it proves to be very pressure-resistant, has excellent insulating properties and is water-repellent. In addition, Styrodur® BMB is an insulating board that is gentle on the climate and the environment. BASF's biomass balance approach uses renewable raw materials at the start of production, thereby conserving fossil resources and reducing CO2 emissions.